Between the Holidays
From Darkness to Light
An Online Day Retreat – December 12, 2020
Presented by Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500, RMT
With Special Guests Dr. Kellie Kirksey and Dr. Stephen Dansiger
Registration is Open Now!
a powerful time of year, at the end of a very difficult calendar year
This is a powerful time of year, at the end of a very difficult calendar year, for exploring the interplay between darkness and light in this unique Expressive Arts Therapy retreat. In this special, online day retreat, Dr. Jamie Marich collaborates with two of her friends and fellow clinical artists to create rich opportunities for exploring and deepening contemplative practices.

Dr. Stephen Dansiger, a long-time Zen practitioner and clinical trauma specialist, will lead us through Buddhist-inspired practices for growth during difficult times. Dr. Kellie Kirksey will fuse her knowledge of complementary medicine, yoga, and African healing practices for a dynamic session on embodied drumming. Participants will also be able to interact in small groups with the three presenters and find inspiration in hearing their strategies for practice during difficult times with each other. Please join us for this day of refuge, retreat, and renewal from wherever you may be in the world.
The full-day retreat ticket includes the main program with the three presenters (9:00am-4:30pm EST), an early morning yoga-“meditation in motion” session with Dr. Jamie, and an evening Dancing Mindfulness experience co-taught by Dr. Jamie & Dr. Kellie.
Special bundle pricing available if taking the continuing education course Trauma and the Twelve Steps: Clinical Keys for Enhancing Recovery Services (with Dr. Jamie Marich) on December 11, 2020.
The program is not a replacement for acute mental health care or addiction detoxification. If you identify as having any physical or mental health or addiction recovery concerns that may inhibit your participation in the full weekend, you are encouraged to discuss these matters with Dr. Jamie at the time of registration or prior to the retreat.
Retreat Participation Options
Day & Pre-retreat Webinar $140
Attend the webinar on December 11th, the Day Retreat and Dancing Mindfulness Class on December, 12th. Best value option!
Pre-Retreat only $65
Attend the online webinar on December 11th
Day Retreat Only $95
Includes Day Retreat and Dancing Mindfulness Community Class
Dancing Mindfulness Community Class Only $20
Just the evening Dancing Mindfulness session.
Online Day Retreat: December 12, 2020
7:00AM-8:15AM Yoga/Meditation in Motion
For those wanting to join us at dawn.
Presented by Dr. Jamie Marich
8:15AM-9:00AM Break
9:00AM-10:30AM Opening Panel: From Darkness to Light
Beginning practice and Q & A
10:30AM-10:45AM Break
10:45AM-12:00PM Sitting with Light, Sitting with Darkness, Sitting with the
Looking at how loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity are
made manifest through sitting in light and dark.
Presented by Dr. Stephen Dansiger
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch / Break
1:00PM-2:30PM Coming into the Light using Body Drumming
Presented by Dr. Kellie Kirksey
2:30PM-2:45PM Break
2:45PM-4:00PM Small Group Discussion
Taking time to engage in dialogue and share our practices
4:00PM-4:30PM Closing Circle & Blessing
Presented by Dr. Jamie Marich
7:30PM-9:30PM Dancing Mindfulness Class
Optional evening class
Facilitated by Dr. Jamie Marich and Dr. Kellie Kirksey