Redefine Therapy Expressive Arts Retreat

April 25-27, 2025
Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center
Villa Maria, PA

registration Closes April 11th, 2025

Join us for our Annual Expressive Arts Retreat!

We are thrilled to be back in our retreat home at Villa Maria Education & Spirituality Retreat Center in Western Pennsylvania for the Redefine Therapy Expressive Arts Retreat, formerly called the Dancing Mindfulness Facilitators and Friends Retreat. Join us for this unique retreat experience that is known for its ability to bring together outside-of-the-box thinkers, feelers, and doers from a variety of professions. Select CE credit hours are available for our clinical pre-retreat workshop this year. No CEs are offered for main retreat (some of the content might be able to be counted to certain programs in Expressive Arts Therapy. If you are enrolled in a program you can verify). Retreat directed by Dr. Jamie Marich.
Confirmed special guests include: Spiral Rhythms, Blaise Harris, Irene Rodriguez, Leah Hartman, Rev. John Michael Thornton, Thomas Zimmerman, and Lisa Glendinning

registration Closes APril 11th, 2025

Pre-Retreat Workshops

April 25, 2025


The Four Blinks Approach to Flash, a CE Training

with Four Blinks Studio, an Expressive Arts Experience and CE Training with Thomas Zimmerman and Lisa Glendinning

 This workshop is designed to create an environment for clinicians to enhance their understanding of Flash-based memory reconsolidation research and techniques in assorted clinical contexts and settings.  Participants will learn a version of Flash specifically developed for complex trauma and for use in assorted contexts (individual sessions, group sessions, and as a critical incident intervention).

9:00am-4:30pm, April 25, 2025
Cost: $75.00 (as retreat add-on)
Cost: $105.00 (workshop only/no retreat)
Cost: $55.00 (student discount)
Lunch is included at all price points.
6 CE credit hours available

Psychic Self-Defense, Wellness Workshop

with Rev. John Michael Thornton (and special guest Dr. Jamie Marich)

In this workshop we will look at ways to transform unhealthy avoidance strategies into conscious protection strategies.  We will explore ways of creating spaces where intuition and empathy feel easy and natural.

9:00am-4:30pm, April 25, 2025
Cost: $75.00 (as retreat add-on)
Cost: $95.00 (workshop only/no retreat)
Cost: $55.00 (student discount)
Lunch is included at all price points.
No CE credit hours

Feeling the Call to Facilitate?

We are now accepting proposals!

Have you been thinking about crafting your own retreat session, leading a dance chapel or yoga session?  If so, submit your proposal! 


Pictured: Dr. Jamie Marich & Irene Rodriguez

Retreat Package Options (April 25-27, 2025)

Pre-Retreat Workshop Optional Add-on (April 26th)

For those attending the retreat in-person, meals are included from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. If you are adding the extra night Thursday breakfast and lunch are also included on Friday. We ask you to disclose any special dietary requests or accessibility accommodations requests in the registration form.

registration Closes APril 11th, 2025

Although we are not promoting a full hybrid retreat and encourage people to attend in-person, we appreciate that not everyone can. If you are interested in the retreat and would be interested in taking part in some of the sessions online, please reach out to us directly at: by April 11th, 2025 and we will make appropriate arrangements based on our tech capacity.

Preliminary Retreat Agenda

Dr. Jamie Marich leading a session during an Expressive Arts Therapy training

Redefine Therapy Expressive Arts Retreat 2025

Schedule TBA

Thursday, April 24Early Arrival for Those Who
Purchased an Extra Night
5:30pm-9:30pmBegel Hall West
Friday, April 25Breakfast (for Thursday overnight guests)8:15am-9:00am
Pre-Retreat Workshops (Optional)9:00am-4:30pmMultipleThe Four Blinks Approach to Flash: Core Training and Creative Applications with Thomas Zimmerman and Lisa Glendinning (Mother Madeline)Energy Management and Psychic Protection with John Michael Thornton and Dr. Jamie Marich (Discussant) (Begel Hall West)
In-Person Retreat Arrivals4:00pm-7:00pmBegel Hall West
Free Time6:00pm-7:30pm
Opening Orientation & Dance with Dr. Jamie Marich7:30pm-9:30pmMother Madeline
Saturday, April 26Morning Yoga7:30am-8:30amBegel WestMorning Yoga with Leah Hartman (Begel West)
Morning Sessions 1
9:00am-10:15amMultipleFinger Labyrinths: An Ancient Tool for Healing with Alix Amar (Mother Madeline)Laughter: A Mindful Path to Joy and Nervous System Regulation with Irene Rodriguez (Begel West)
Morning Sessions 2:
10:30am-11:45amMultipleAn Invitation to EMD Playbox: An Art Camp Community Experience for Wounded HealersÓ: Know Thyself and Be Well with Amy Mickle and Julie Pyle-Childs (Mother Madeline)Calling All Saviors: Follow The Moon with Rev. Karla Fleshman (Begel West)
Lunch Break12:00am-1:00pm
Wellness Services Available TBA (Extra Fee Applies)1:00pm-7:00pm Begel Hall West
Featured Afternoon Session 1:30pm-4:00pmMother MadelineFeatured Afternoon Session: Hip Hop, Mental Health, and Me with Blaise Harris (Mother Madeline)
TBA or Free Time
4:15pm-5:00pmMother Madeline
Free Time6:00pm-7:30pm
Evening Program with Spiral Rhythms Ensemble (In-Person) or Free Time7:30-9:00pmMother Madeline
Sunday, April 27Dance Chapel with Alicia Hann7:30am-8:30amMother Madeline
Morning Session9:30am-10:00amMother MadelineMorning Session: Laughter Yoga with Irene Rodriguez (Mother Madeline)
Share Your Practice: Closing Program Led by Dr. Jamie Marich & Participating Facilitators10:00am-12:00pmMother MadelineShare Your Practice, Facilitated by Dr. Jamie Marich