Certificate of Expressive Arts Therapy Graduates

The following professionals have successfully completed the required educational and supervisory hours prescribed by the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) through The Institute for Creative Mindfulness program. Listing on this website verifies successful completion of the requirements, it does not imply direct endorsement by Dr. Jamie Marich or any of the team members training with the Institute for Creative Mindfulness.


E. Sterling Boyadzhiev

Oh 43214, United States



Andrea Lisowski

Kansas, Ohio, United States



Dr. Rachel Weaver

Ohio, United States



Alexis Burrow

Ohio, United States



Leah Fogt

Ohio, United States



Katharine Fertig

Ohio, United States



Adam O’Brien

New York, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Carrie Henry

Arkansas, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Victoria Byler

Ohio, United States



Erin Kelly

Pennsylvania, United States



Dr. Megan Miranda

Ohio, United States



Irene Rodriguez

Florida, United States



Ramona Skriiko

Ohio, United States



Kellie Kirksey

Ohio, United States



Nicole (Nicki) Allen

Texas, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Velma Barber

Ohio, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Dorothy (Jackie) Beerger

Oregon, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Regina Gifford

Ohio, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Vanessa Rogers

Ohio, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Kerri McAvay-Redner

Connecticut, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Nicole Peterson

Ohio, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Rebeccah Slade

Pennsylvania, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Kamala Tahyi

Ohio, United States


The Institute for Creative Mindfulness' logo mark


Michelle Tompkins

South Carolina, United States