As Is

Artwork by: David Hayward (NakedPastor)

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Hey you.  Yes you. I see you.  

It’s ok if you’re not ready to talk. 

I hope it’s ok for me to share a few thoughts…

I see that beautiful soul of yours,

and I want you to know that you are SO incredibly loved.

You were born enough.

And I am so glad you are here.

You, sweet one, are so important.

Your soul has a purpose, a truth, and a radiance. 

You don’t have to be anything or do anything different.   


You matter.

You are celebrated.

You are essential.

I see you and your hurt parts, your angry parts, and your “I just want to give up” parts.

Every. Single. Aspect of you deserves love, acceptance, and nurturance.

Every. Single. Part of you deserves to be seen and heard and validated.

You are so important.  As is.

You are so worthy. As is.

You are so cherished. As is.

You are so loved. As is.

And let me tell you, brave one, you are worth fighting for.  

YOU are worth defending.  

And you are never alone. 

3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much Heidi. I do feel that so matter and I will share this with my tribe! It is beautifully written.

  2. Grateful / and between this poem and an email from the Ram Dass Foundation with messages of self love and a call to continue engaging in positive love work – we will continue and as John Lewis inspired us to get in Good Trouble

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