The ICM Blog
Redefine Therapy

Our work and our mission is to redefine therapy and our conversations are about the art and practice of healing. This blog was launched in May 2018 by Dr. Jamie Marich, affiliates, and friends.

  Originally published on the Dancing Mindfulness Expressive Arts Therapy Blog, 5/4/2017 If you’ve followed Dancing Mindfulness and other projects connected to my Institute for Creative Mindfulness work, you’ve likely encountered the hashtag #redefinetherapy. What started as a book chapter and a hashtag is quickly turning into a movement that you

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God is in the Music

This summer, I sat in a chapel run by a major religious order before the Holy Mass where my brother Paul would make his vows of Solemn Profession, his next step on his way to ordination as a Roman Catholic priest next year. A great, conflicting pain overcame me in

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Drive Thru Love

We are just eleven days into 2021 and I have claimed THIS to be the year that I make peace with food.  My intention is to help my body become fueled by foods that can sustain a slower aging process, offer solid and sound nutrition and be a formidable ally

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I Will Let You Down

I will let you down. It feels so good to write that down and to admit it publicly. For so many of us who are survivors of trauma working in the field of trauma-informed and trauma-focused care, we can be phobic of letting others down because we do not want

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Just One More

When you are young and disabled, nobody tells you that one day, using your arms as legs will cause your shoulders to wear down, you will be in pain, and have neck issues. When you are young and disabled, nobody ever tells you it’s ok to take a break or

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The Gold Fish

Paint Myself Orange.That’s The Color I’m Suppose To Be. A Tiny Bubble World.The Only Life Meant For Me. Alone Inside A Tank.Never To Be Free. It’s Busy Outside My Tiny World.Passers-By Look At The Beautifully Colored Fish.They Never Glance At Me. Finally, It’s Happening.A Shadow I SeeSomeone Outside My Tiny

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Dear Nineteen

By Dr. Jamie Marich Today I celebrate nineteen years of continuous sobriety from drugs and alcohol. Nineteen is a very important number for me, making my arrival at this milestone all the more special. When I was chronologically nineteen, I crossed the line into chemical dependence. I also came out

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